This project has been worked in the Geography & History lessons and in the English lessons in 1st ESO. Francisco Lagraba, the Geography teacher, had the idea of taking Gamification into the classroom. All the project explanation can be seen in the link:
The aims for the English class:
- To get all the needed vocabulary in Spanish and in English about the topic "Geographical features in the world"
- To use the specific vocabulary about board games in English language.
- To use correct phrases and words to introduce the project to an audience (greetings, there is /are, to say thank you and to finish the presentation).
- To talk about the project in front of a recording video camera taking into account pronuncation, entonation, and body language.

First, we present the task. The class is working a project in which they should create a Geography game based in a continent. We tell them that an important English toys shop is looking for new toys makers to create an educational game on Geography. The students will create a game and they will present it in a video to be sent to the toys shop.
Then every group looks for information about the geographical features in one of the continents. They can use the list of concepts in Spanish and in English.
They think about the game, the rules and how to play. The concepts must appear in the game.
They write the list of materials and decide who is going to bring all the stuffs to work in class.

We work in big groups so that students can ask the Geography teacher or the Englich teachers about the concepts or vocabulary in Geography or English.
The teachers can evaluate the work together, and they can take decisions at the same time.
The game is finished! Students have thought the geographical words, the game components, and they have also thought about the look of the game.
And it has been done in ENGLISH!
Some of the games have been really amazing!
But, what is the most important fact about a game?.....TO PLAY!
So, when games are finished, the other groups test them playing with the components, and imagine what......
A great project, students and teachers have enjoyed themselves, they have learnt to...
- understand geographical features.
- work and create a game in groups.
- use Specific vocabulary about geographical and board games.
- Get fun in class.
- And to introduce a project in a video format, using oral techniques such as greetings, use of the voice and body language.